Fit Girl Guide Podcast show

Fit Girl Guide Podcast

Summary: Motivation to Workout, Training Tips for Fast Results, Nutrition for Fat Loss. Separate Fact from Fiction in Fitness! Which exercises work best for body tone and fat burn. Nutrition and diets for healthy weight loss. How to stay motivated to change your body and life!

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 S6E21 - Fit 159: Fat Loss Training, Creatine, Promises | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:02

Top Fat Loss Training Tips, Here's the scoop on Creatine, Make a promise to yourself that you can keep!

 Fit 158: App Updates, Holiday Tips and Lose Belly Fat Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation App Updates and what to expect in the future! Nutrition Holiday Health tips! Share yours on! Training Lose that belly fat part 2!  Lose more fat faster with advanced training techniques! Find out how many repetitions you need and what type of intensity will melt fat fast! Help a friend be fit! Please share these podcasts, or blog,  with a friend and let

 Fit157: Interval Variations, Best Breakfast, New Apps! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fit Girl Guide Podcast has hit the 100 reviews mark! Thanks to all of you that did one and to those who listen to the podcast! You're awesome! There are three free fitness Apps waiting for you at the App Store! A quick search of "Fitness Solutions of the Palm Beaches" will take you directly to all three Apps! 1. Fitness Makeover App: Great info, like this podcast! Motivation, Nutrition,

 Fit 156: Body Image, Guiltless Nutrition, Chest Fly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Nutrition: Is there really any "All You Can Eat" foods that won't kill your shape? Yes, there are! Here's a list of some treats that can fill you up with out filling you out! 

Best Snacks for Staying Slim: Air-popped popcorn (not microwave bags!) 

Raw veggies (such as jicama, sugar snap peas, and cherry tomatoes)  

Steamed artichoke (for dipping: mix nonfat Greek yogurt and Dijon mustard

 Fit 155:Self Motivation, Shoulder Training, Nutrition Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation Ever feel like you can't get motivated to workout? Here's a five tips to get your butt off the couch and to a workout! Just go....showing up is half the battle!   Tell yourself, you'll just do a little bit and by the time your warmup is finished, you'll be wanting to do more! Make a playdate! Have a pal meet you at the gym, you don't have to workout together just make sure

 Fit 154: Machines to Avoid, Life Lessons, Foods that Make You Fat. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

TRAINING Machines to avoid at the gym! The first is the inner/outer thigh machines (aka Seated Hip Abductor/Adductor Machine)! I can't tell you how many times I have seen ladies do cardio, hop on the inner/outer thigh machine and leave!  It's the 21st Century! Don't we all know by now that you CANNOT spot reduce???? Apparently not! Here's what this machine is supposed to do: Train inner and

 Fit 153: Back, Biceps, Challenge, Glutamine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Training: Fit 153SP is a video podcast of Triceps and Back  exercises done wrong!  When doing triceps, don't round your shoulders and keep your wrists straight.  When doing cable rows for the back, pull with the back muscles, not your arms. Keep fingers light as not to squeeze them! And lastly, don't overstretch and use momentum, it's not a full body exercise!  Watch the video below:

 Fit 152: Chest, Biceps, Can Do, Whey vs Casein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News: Round two of the Apps have been submitted. Will post and email when they are approved! Thanks for the iTunes reviews! Just a few more to reach my goal of 100!! Let your friends know about the podcast and Facebook Page! Training: Fit 152SP is a special video podcast of chest and biceps exercises done wrong! For Chest exercises, especially incline presses, don't arch your back or lift your

 Fit 151: Pulldowns, Thoughts and Metabolism Makeover | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

 <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->NEWS:   I've submitted two fitness apps to iTunes!  The approval process takes longer than I thought! Oh, well, be sure to be a "fan" of the FitGirlUSA Facebook page for first notice of when the apps are available for download!  My goal of getting over 100 iTunes reviews for this podcast is about to happen! If you haven't done a

 Fit 150: Triggers, Apps & Abs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation  What are your motivation challenges and trigger points? History does repeat, but if we understand the motivation then we can intercept the actions and change the future! For any worthwhile goal, you should have a plan, be prepared, be willing to do a little extra to meet those goals! By tracking your progress, you'll be able to overcome obstacles and self-sabotaging habits to stay

 Fit 149: Mindset Makeover, Branch Chain Amino Acids Part 2 and Bad ab/Oblique Exercises Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation Makeover your mindset!  The definition of Mindset  is “the way you think or perceive something. Your conditioning and response for various things.”  How did we get our current mindset? Repetition, habits, being told by someone else such as peers, media, enemies, even family can shape our mindset for good or bad! With the right mindset: You'll have continuous motivation to do what is

 Fit 148: What Motivates You, Branch Chain Amino Acids Part 1 and Bad ab/Oblique Exercises Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation Why do so many people quit their fat loss programs? They lose motivation!  Motivation drives us to action! It's the key to any successful fitness program. When you begin a program, you are excited, and focused to change your body. Unfortunately, it's easy to lose motivation even a couple weeks into your program, unless you have the right Mindset! It's important to know what

 Fit 147: Meditation and Body Type Training Part 3: The Endomorph | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Motivation Meditation can help you focus your mind on one single object. The object of meditation should be neutral in emotion and perception. Examples of a meditation object would be your breathing,an image, or sound, such as “Om”. It doesn't matter what you choose for your object of meditation, just stick to the same one throughout. Focusing your mind on a single object is not as easy as

 Fit 132: How to use Lifting Straps | File Type: video/x-mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Lifting straps are helpful when using heavy weight for a large body part. The weight being used may be too heavy for your smaller, auxiliary muscles and those muscles fail before the large muscle you are working! For example, you may doing deadlifts for the hamstrings. You can use a heavy weight, but your forearms burn holding it before your hamstrings fatigue. Lifting straps would take the

 Fit 146: Mystery of Motivation & Body Type Training Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this episode:MOTIVATION What is the Mystery of Motivation? Why can it be so difficult to stay motivated? Where does motivation come from? Why do some people have it, while others don't?  What is the difference between staying and becoming motivated?  Don't expect it to be naturally motivated all the time, it takes practice!  You can learn the proven methods at the upcoming FitnessMakeover


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