Why Does God Let Things Happen?

Holy Hot Mess Mom Podcast show

Summary: We're talking a little *faith-y* on the podcast today. Have you ever felt like God, who should be all knowing and all awesome and good, lets just awful things happen. And why, if He is so awesome, does he let awful things happen? Why is He punishing us? Here is the link to the Ascension Presents Chosen Confirmation Video on Suffering I reference in the podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMCPW53-cGw Got a little truth bomb, even though it may feel like it... God does not let bad things happen - bad things happen as a result of God giving us free will. He had to give us free will in order to get us to love him fully. We can't truly love out of being forced. Love has to be out of complete, free choice. He gave us free will and unfortunately, that means some people will make bad choices. God isn't punishing us, all things *bad* that happen are a result of someones free will choices. If you've got any questions, comments, or have an idea for something you want to hear on the show please email podcast@holyhotmessmom.com Don't forget to hook up virtually with me, mama. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook as well as in our exclusive mama Facebook group :: Holy Hot Mess Mamas   As always, there's more content and goodies on my website www.holyhotmessmom.com