Education Technology Podcasts

NASA Student Opportunities show

NASA Student OpportunitiesJoin Now to Follow

Audio podcast featuring information and interviews about NASA learning opportunities

By National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Linux Game Cast Weekly SD show

Linux Game Cast Weekly SDJoin Now to Follow

Linux fueled mayhem & madness with a side of news, reviews, and whatever the Hell-Elks™ we come up with.

By LinuxGameCast LLP

MacBreak Work show

MacBreak WorkJoin Now to Follow

Learn how to get the most out of your mac at Work! From iWork to communication to databases to networking hardware – MacBreak Work will help you MACsimize your productivity!

By Alex Lindsay

Middle School Matters show

Middle School MattersJoin Now to Follow

MSM-Middle School Matters is designed for Middle School Educators. We focus on the Middle School educators. Providing news, conversation on relevant topics, and links to other great sites, we want to reach out to other middle school educators. Join in the discussion at

By Troy Patterson, Shawn McGirr

龙飞虎讲功夫英语 show

龙飞虎讲功夫英语Join Now to Follow

龙飞虎(英文名:Chris Lonsdale),心理学家、语言学家、教育家, 6个月学会任何一种外语方法创始人。功夫英语自学课程体系设计师。 功夫英语拥有独创的“6个月长好英语DNA”课程系统,这个系统将帮助您: 1)掌握8000多英语高频词; 2)掌握6000多词组及短句; 3)解决98%以上日常生活、工作、商务最重要的沟通需要。 更多了解功夫英语,请关注: 微信公号:功夫英语 新浪微博:@功夫英语自学汇 腾讯微博:@功夫英语 学习问题咨询 国内报名功夫英语:400-8938-696 国际报名功夫英语:+86-755-8882 0630 功夫英语官网 “学习外语的过程中,方法和思路是影响人的学习速度及学习结果的关键性影响因 素。”龙飞虎说。为了帮助中国人彻底解决英语学习的苦恼,使用科学准 确的方法,有效率有效果的提高自己的英语水平,龙飞虎决定用《龙飞虎讲功夫英语》视频广播,从思路和观点上帮助大家跨越自己快速学习的一切阻碍因素。 在这个 视频广播中,无论你的需要是:英语 学英语 自学英语 出国英语 美语发音 快速 英语 商务英语 日常英语 办公室英语 谈判英语 英语听力 英语口语 英语阅读 记 单词 成人英语 英語 學英語 英語口語 英語聽力 视频学英语,还是跨文化沟通、 提高自己的沟通能力等,你都能找到合适的解决方案。 欢迎持续关注《龙飞虎讲功夫英语》。 祝你的英语快速进步,早日成就精彩成功的自己!

By 龙飞虎(原名:Chris Lonsdale)

PodcastPD show

PodcastPDJoin Now to Follow

Anytime, anywhere learning for educators. Hosts Stacey Lindes, AJ Bianco, and Christopher J. Nesi cover a topic and area of growth for educators and also share the power of podcasts in education in each episode. Get the PD you don't get in your faculty meetings!

By Stacey Lindes, AJ Bianco, Christopher J. Nesi - Education Podcast Network

La Tecnología para todos show

La Tecnología para todosJoin Now to Follow

El conocimiento no es de uso exclusivo, el conocimiento debemos compartirlo. En este podcast compartimos contigo todo lo relacionado con Arduino, electrónica y programación. Aprende a crear tecnología y pasa de ser un mero espectador, a un creador de la misma. Nos puedes encontrar en


chicken pop pod show

chicken pop podJoin Now to Follow

Electronic music delivered hot and fresh as its made. All-original drum 'n' bass, techno, groove, ambient, and what-not.

By cpp network

Why Can't You? show

Why Can't You?Join Now to Follow

Why Can’t You? features guests from all walks of life and from any industry. The purpose of Why Can’t You? is to educate and inspire. I speak with guests to find out who they are and how they got where they are today. More important than even the destination is the journey they had to take along the way. What are the obstacles they had to overcome to get where they are? Please come along the for the ride and as you listen ask yourself if these people have overcome challenges Why Can’t I overcome my trials and tribulations to become who I feel I was called to be!

By Why Can't You?

WokeNFree show

WokeNFreeJoin Now to Follow

WokeNFree is a podcast brought to you by Kahlil and Natasha Nurse, who are interested in being honest and real with each other and the world. Get a glimpse into the minds of a couple with a different take on hot topics.

By Kahlil and Natasha Nurse