WE'RE BACK!!!!! ........SORT OF

Bang And Dang show

Summary: It was two years ago that we started our debate show, Bang &amp; Dang Debate. We did about 100 topics and we though that since two years has passed we would go back and see if our thoughts have changed since then. So we went back and picked topics randomly and had at it. This was a really fun show and we are looking forward to getting more done! We debated the following topics: Which is the best season of the year? The minimum wage only should be at a level in which a person can survive. History is an important subject in school. Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so? Same-sex marriage. Should it be legal?<br><br><br>Email us at bangdangpodcast@gmail.com with some topics you would like to hear debated and maybe they will make the show!