Episode 109: A Conversation with Rachel Joy of Sparrow Collective: How Finding My Identity in Christ Transformed My Life

#MomLife show

Summary: <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img width="940" height="788" src="https://momlife.ljpres.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Momlife-109-Rachel-Joy-FB-1.png" class="wp-image-647"></figure></div> <p><strong>Rachel </strong>lives in the Dallas area with her husband, Trevor and their four children, Addison, Benjamin, Everett and Annie Jo. Rachel and Trevor lead in various capacities at The Village Church Flower Mound and in the community. Rachel is the founder and director of the Sparrow Collective. Sparrow Collective exists to connect women to Kingdom work in their city! In the Fall of 2020, Sparrow opened a training and event center in the heart of Lewisville where classes, mentorship and restorative dignity programs are provided for the community at large. </p>