Voices of 100%: Idaho Coalition Crafts a Data-Driven Clean Power Pledge

Local Energy Rules show

Summary: For this Voices of 100% episode of Local Energy Rules, guests Lynne Barker, Scott Runkel, and host John Farrell discuss how a 100 percent renewable energy commitment moved forward amidst a pandemic and the options that Idaho communities have to reach their sustainability goals. | <br> <br> Show page available: https://ilsr.org/hailey-idaho-voices-of-100-podcast/ |<br> <br> Listen to all of our Local Energy Rules podcast episodes at our site: https://ilsr.org/local-energy-rules-podcast-homepage | <br> <br> Don't forget to subscribe, share with your friends, leave a recommendation on our podcast feeds, and join the conversation online using the #LocalEnergyRules hashtag!