Dyan Twining – Roost & Root

Off-the-Grid Biz Podcast show

Summary: <a href="http://offthegridbiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Dyan-Twining-Roost-and-Root.jpg"></a>Dyan Twining - Roost &amp; Root<br> <br> <a href="http://offthegridbiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Roost-and-Root.jpg"></a>RoostandRoot.com<br> <br> Dyan and her husband Montie co-founded Roost &amp; Root to help you, “Find your inner farmer.” <br> <br> Join us for a fun conversation as Dyan talks about the companies journey from building their first 20 chicken coops to the amazing ride they've had serving and building relationships with customers from coast to coast. <br> <br> Be sure to checkout their quality Cedar Chicken Coops and Gardening products as well! <br> <br> Call Today - (877) 741-2667<br> <br> <a class="yt-simple-endpoint style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto" href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0FUenBEclp6UnAwbXM4YjJQMUxyMjc3UFRkQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUndUazB3d0t2RHhVa1FnWEM0MXZ3N18xSDJRMnlDdXZhV1JHbWo1cDVLdHBiWUhKY01HSWJYaEVDV0J6bWlMaXNZT21taFBKUmRkYl9hQnBVZm44bGNPcUgzakpYanVIQ2t1djcwU3N0VWJiY2dGYw&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Froostandroot.com%2F" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">https://roostandroot.com/</a>​<br> Transcription<br> Dyan: Hearing from customers because I do talk to a lot of them after the sale. Like there's always like a driver who's like, "I'm gonna get chickens," and then there's other spouse a lot of times he's kind of like, "okay, not super excited about this, but whatever."<br> <br> And I hear from the other spouse that's not super excited and like, had no idea I would love having chickens.<br> <br> Podcast Intro: If you're someone who refuses to go along to get along, if you question whether the status quo was good enough for you and your family.<br> <br> If you want to leave this world better off than you found it and you consider independence a sacred thing.<br> <br> You may be a prepper, a gardener, a homesteader, a survivalist, or a farmer or rancher, an environmentalist or a rugged outdoorsman.<br> <br> We are here to celebrate you whether you're looking to improve your maverick business or to find out more about the latest products and services available to the weekend rebel.<br> <br> From selling chicken eggs online, to building up your food storage or collecting handmade soap.This show is for those who choose the road less traveled the road to self-reliance for those that are living a daring adventure, life off the grid.<br> <br> Brian: Dyan Twining co-founded Roost and Root in 2013, with her husband Montie, their passion and slogan is, "find your inner farmer."<br> <br> At Roost and Root, they manufacture high quality backyard farm and garden lifestyle products that help fulfill that slogan.<br> <br> She enjoys keeping chickens and gardening as well as deep sea fishing and running.<br> <br> Dyan, welcome to the Off The Grid Biz Podcast.<br> <br> Dyan: Hi, thank you for having me.<br> <br> Brian: Yeah, it's great having you here.<br> <br> So why don't you tell us a little bit more about what it is that you do?<br> <br> Dyan: So together with my husband, we run Roost and Root, like you said, we are manufacturing company based out of Dripping Springs, Texas.<br> <br> So we're a little bit west of downtown Austin, and we have a manufacturing facility where we we started in 2013 manufacturing and selling chicken coops primarily chicken coops.<br> <br> In 2020, we actually changed our name to Roost and Root. We used to be Urban Coop Company. But we sold our coops through the years and we kept getting a lot of customers saying, you know, "what else you guys going to build?"<br> <br> They liked our products. They liked the quality, and what goes hand in hand with backyard coops, and its gardening products.<br> <br> So we changed our name to Roost and Root,