#18) On my atheism phase

Public Comment show

Summary: When faced with your sense of mortality or your contemplations on the subject of life in a general way…you know…that very wide angled panoramic view of our births, our childhoods, teenage years, young adulthood (ah…channeling Walt Whitman’s genius poem “Eidolons” here?) the intense desire for sex and whether or not you believe in the depth of romantic relationships, and whether or not you believe in monogamy, marriage, parenthood, sense of purpose, sense of meaning….the meaning of the work you do and the money you make, spend, save, how much you do or do not care about how what you do impacts your health, what you make of social life, whether you want friends, what those friendships are supposed to be like in your mind, how you handle disagreements, when you think about what care about, what some of us might refer to as your “values” or “priorities” or “interests”– when you feel sad and reflect…do you in that context call yourself an Atheist, a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, a Sikh, a Buddhist? (Just to name a few “religions” or “ideological identities” of the many possibilities). To what extend have you, within the greatest depths of your convictions, justified, on the granular level, those kinds of religious, ideological, philosophical beliefs you have? ...( (from the May 23, 2019 Public Comment Vlog)FOR MORE FROM PUBLIC COMMENT VISIT https://publiccomment.blog/Listen to the Public Comment Podcast on Radio Public Subscribe  to my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/seanoconnoressays/featured Visit me on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/publiccommentblogFollow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/publiccomment.blog/Tweet me at https://twitter.com/sopubliccommentConnect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/soconnorwritingtutor/ Email me at sean.publiccomment@gmail.com