#47) On cynicism, meaning and purpose

Public Comment show

Summary: A successful individual said I might want to consider quitting in my podcast endeavor because nobody will care unless I make up lies to get your attention. A student tells me a professor insisted that this student write an essay arguing that art is pointless because artists don't tend to make money and because art doesn't cure diseases. These kinds of things perhaps make it tempting to feel cynical about human nature and life. But should one really surrender to cynicism and nihilism or is there more to this world than obsession with money and power? Listen to the Public Comment Podcast on Radio Public Subscribe  to my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/seanoconnoressays/featured Visit me on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/publiccommentblogFollow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/publiccomment.blog/Tweet me at https://twitter.com/sopubliccommentConnect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/soconnorwritingtutor/ Email me at sean.publiccomment@gmail.com