Water Heater Maintenance Video

Handyguys TV - Standard Definition iTunes  show

Summary: This video outlines a key component to water heater maintenance that is often overlooked, the <a id="amznPsBmLink_3691495" class="amzn_ps_bm_tl" href="http://amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_bk_tl/?url=search-alias%3Daps&amp;field-keywords=expansion%20tank&amp;tag=thehanguypod-20&amp;linkId=6b5cefe8bcc5308731448e4420a630e8&amp;linkCode=ktl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-amzn-ps-bm-keyword="expansion tank" data-amzn-link-id="6b5cefe8bcc5308731448e4420a630e8">expansion tank</a>.<br> <br> What does the expansion tank do?<br> The expansion tank will allow expanding water (water expands when it heats) a place to go.<br> Do you need one?<br> You need an <a id="amznPsBmLink_4188440" class="amzn_ps_bm_tl" href="http://amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_bk_tl/?url=search-alias%3Daps&amp;field-keywords=expansion%20tank&amp;tag=thehanguypod-20&amp;linkId=c2b69e15fb21c84f08e03281b6f259d4&amp;linkCode=ktl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-amzn-ps-bm-keyword="expansion tank" data-amzn-link-id="c2b69e15fb21c84f08e03281b6f259d4">expansion tank</a>, if you are on a water system with a back-flow preventer (a one way valve). If you are on city water and do not have a back-flow preventer, you probably do not need an expansion tank. The city water system can absorb the expansion. Same with a well system.<br> Water heater maintenance on your expansion tank<br> Your expansion tank will have an outlet to connect up a pressure gauge. You can test the pressure at this port. It should match what your water pressure is set for. Watch the video for more details.<br> Problems when your <a id="amznPsBmLink_5730647" class="amzn_ps_bm_tl" href="http://amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_bk_tl/?url=search-alias%3Daps&amp;field-keywords=expansion%20tank&amp;tag=thehanguypod-20&amp;linkId=acdc8480b8fa143a252d89a9835adf01&amp;linkCode=ktl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-amzn-ps-bm-keyword="expansion tank" data-amzn-link-id="acdc8480b8fa143a252d89a9835adf01">expansion tank</a> fails<br> If the expanding water has no place to go, it could leak out of your system through the T&amp;P valve.. If your expansion tank fails, you can have leaks from the T&amp;P relief valve, drippy faucets and faucet washers that wear out faster.<br> <br>