The Elemental Lifestyle: Grounding In Bliss

The Elemental Lifestyle Podcast with Katrina Elkins show

Summary:  The Elemental Lifestyle: Radical Honesty for the Conscious Leader Is your Love Conditioned? Is it within the Status Quo?  What if your LIFE is ready to open up to your own Self-Love in a new way.  Destiny-Fae invites you to: 1.Get Curious about you Inner Teenager and how you can connect with the Celtic Viking of Strength by allowing your teenager to self-expression. 2.Let go of how you label channeling and how your explosive teenage energy can empower you to let go of resistance to all forms of channeling. 3. Anchor in the power of bliss into the spaces where you were avoiding BLISS.  Lets get curious about LOVE, BLISS, and ENERGY!       Destiny Fae Bio:Destiny Fae is a “Spiritual Nomad” for over 3 years and has been public speaking, writing books, offering multi-modality therapies and spiritual and psychic guidance through this time, as well as creating online events and summits for the New Earth, with a focus on Unity, Inner divinity, ancient wisdom, sustainable living and well-being.Her goal is to help co create and catalyze portals for collaborations, to help shift Earth into Unity consciousness and to embody the highest vibration of unconditional love. Through Inspire Destiny, New Earth New You Now Foundation, Inspire Unity Movement and other collaborative projects. Destiny holds a deep passion for co-creative ventures with other visionary leaders, paving a road and embodiment for a sustainable, easily connected and peaceful earth, in our time. She is currently an ambassador for over 6 global projects, connecting, sharing and promoting these with the world. She is committed to being a connector for all loving projects and people to live their highest potential and to be in service.Her certified background is in: project, team and business management, Makeup, skincare and colour theory and psychology, Retail and sales, NLP, Coaching, Time line therapy, Hypnotherapy and Reiki. Destiny is a self proclaimed Polymath (Someone who researches and studies many fields) and Walk in Star Being from the Pleiades, with a passion in ancient wisdom and cultures, philosophy, esoteric wisdom, consciousness and ET civilizations, sacred sexual union, spirituality, sacred geometry and many arts of healing and creative expression. She is a self published author and passionate poet/channel of light frequencies and language.Her message to the world is “Be Real, Be True, Be Honest, Be You.You can contact her through:Facebook: Destiny Fae Pleiadian -   Katrina Elkins's BIOKatrina Elkins is the Elemental Leadership Mastery Coach. She empowers her clients to Master the Elemental Forces of the their own inner alignment so that they can live in their Element!!She is Light bringer, author, breath worker, and mystic. She has learned to harness a higher realm of sexual energy in all areas of her work. The depth of her work is show in her group coaching, private energy sessions, group retreats, and co-creation with other leaders/healers. She is the creatress of the Elemental Lifestyle LIVE program that starts in Tulum MX in January of 2019.