Theater IX: John Wick 2

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: This week we are taking a trip to a mythological New York City. One that is free from police and has a population made up of 60% professional assassins. We watched John Wick: Chapter 2 and we absolutely loved it. This sequel continues John Wick’s busy week of getting revenge by killing everyone in his path as he tries to settle an old debt with a bad man. It is a modern action-movie masterpiece that has wonderful pacing and keeps you wanting more until the end. Be honest, how happy were you that they didn’t hurt his dog this time? Is there a better killing machine than John Wick? Where did John Wick learn to do such amazing masonry work? Why do people continue to attack John Wick as if they have a chance of survival? We can’t wait to see John Wick 3 where he will be fighting ninjas while riding a horse. Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Also, please register at and follow The Jester Radio Network for all of our amazing shows and content. Have a great week.