Know Your Rights Hour - August 13, 2014

The Vaccine Agenda - show

Summary: Join Doctor-Attorney-Author Mayer Eisenstein and Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips as they discuss Alan's new Natural News article, "Employee Vaccine Mandates: Observations of an Vaccine Rights Attorney"; a poll published revealing that 95% of medical doctors encounter concerns from their patients or parents when discussing vaccines; the increasingly aggressive attacks from pro-vaxers against anti-vaccine views; misleading small pox statistics discussed in an 1880 meeting of the International Antivaccine League in Paris; the CDC's accidental release of anthrax and small pox germs; the pattern of health officials' exaggeration of infectious disease concerns, that profit big pharma, when actual disease effects have been quite minimal; a caller's successful localized grass-roots effort to educate parents and others about vaccines; how school and daycare exemption laws vary from state to state; and more!