Theater II: The Thing (2011)

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: Our scary movie month is coming to an end and we are closing things out with the prequel to John Carpenter’s sci-fi horror classic, 2011’s The Thing. This movie does an excellent job of paying homage to the original. The director and set designer took great care to reverse engineer everything about the Norwegian camp down to the smallest detail. The story begins three days before the events of the 1982 film and explains how the alien was set free on the world. A nice change of pace with Mike’s beloved M.E.W. (Mary Elizabeth Winstead to us normal folks) being the heroic badass female character that runs the show and keeps her wits during a crisis. Why didn’t anyone else object to the doctor cutting into the alien? Is the alien able to copy it’s victim’s clothing if it is non-organic? How did that blood in the shower get cleaned up so spotlessly in such a short amount of time? This movie teaches use that our imperfections are what make us human because anyone without fillings in their teeth or piercings in their skin was subject to death by flamethrower. It was a fun ride to see how the story would sync up with the original and they did a pretty good job getting there. Listen to us tell you what we think and then let us know what you think. Enjoy!