Theater II: Footloose (2011)

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: This week we are totally obsessed with dancing and rebelling against authority. We are talking about the 2011 remake of Footloose with special guest, Sue Batch. This touching tale of institutionalized religious oppression and authoritarianism in a small Texas town seemed a little old fashioned in 1984, but in 2011 it seems like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Did the adults and lawmakers really think music and dancing was responsible for the horrible car wreck or were they just making up for their own lack of guidance and oversight? Why do most of the adults dislike Ren from the moment they meet him? How don’t Ariel’s parents know that she has been acting wild and crazy since her brother’s death? What’s with Ren’s car? School bus demolition derby racing? Why do the authorities make a bigger deal about Ren having a joint than anyone does about Ariel getting hit by her ex boyfriend and her father or a teenage boy getting punched by a grown man? Lots of illegal dancing and 80’s nostalgia in this one, get loose!