Theater IV: The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: This week we’re taking the whole family on a shortcut through the New Mexico desert so we can get to San Diego a  few hours earlier.  Oops, our car broke down and now we are being hunted by mutant cannibals.  We’re talking about the extremely unsettling 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes.  This film isn’t really a scary movie as much as it is a horrific series of events.  The basic idea is that nuclear testing in New Mexico created a bunch of deformed mutants that now live in old abandoned mine shafts in the desert.  They attack, rob, eat and do many other despicable things to any travelers passing through the area.  A family is unlucky enough to be passing through and we get to see all the bad stuff that happens to them.  Why would you leave your youngest child in charge of the rest of your family?  What’s with both Big Bob and Bobby both wasting so much ammo?  How many cannibals can you feed with one average sized family and for how long?  Why didn’t the director for this movie Google how many atomic bomb tests were conducted in New Mexico before littering the landscape with craters?  That fishing pole was a pretty nice find.  Do you think Doug ever told his daughter the story of how mommy died?  This is a crazy movie but it was actually pretty well done.  Luckily, there is a sequel that we can talk about one day.