Theater V: Ted 2

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: This week’s episode is all about justice and the civil rights of a sentient foul mouthed teddy bear as we talk about 2015’s Ted 2.  This time around, Ted and Tami-Lynn are married and looking to have a baby.  They have a few biological setbacks along the way, but their attempt to adopt a child reveals that Ted is not viewed as a person by the state and forces him to fight for his right to exist.  Ted has help along his journey to justice as his best friend John and his new lawyer Samantha are constantly by his side in the fight.  The movie is very silly and has a bunch of great one liners and hilarious scenes.  In what world does the governmental process move so quickly?  Why aren’t more people sympathetic to Ted’s cause?  What’s the deal with Ted’s guts?  Is there a brain in there that allowed him to be knocked unconscious by Donny?  Lungs that let him get high and a liver that lets him get drunk?  Will there be a Ted 3 someday?  This movie is worth the watch, check it out if you haven't already.  Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us.  Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends.  Have a great week.