Theater V: Martyrs (2015)

It's Been Done Before show

Summary: This week’s episode is all about friendship and helping each other through the hard times in life as we talk about the remake of Martyrs. This movie tells the story of Lucy and Anna, two young women that have been friends since they met at an orphanage as children. Lucy had it pretty rough before she met Anna, but ever since they met Anna has been Lucy’s rock of support. When Lucy grows up, she decides to get revenge on the people that hurt her as a child and she drags Anna into the situation with her. Anna eventually learns that the stories Lucy has been telling have been true and she must find a way to free them from this horrific situation before it is too late. You have to give them credit for what they did with such a small budget, but the acting in this film could use a little work. It is crazy to think that this is a toned down version of the original film. What’s with all the time jumps? How long did the girls spend at the Patterson's’ house? Who was the girl that Anna was going to leave behind? How long was that drain pipe? This is a quick movie that takes the viewer for a bunch of gorey twists and turns, check it out. Thank you for all of the love you continue to show us. Please rate and review the podcast wherever you get it and if you like the show, share it with your friends. Have a great week.