How to Financially Take Care of Your Child with Special Needs

Couple Money Podcast: Build Your Marriage and Wealth Together  show

Summary: Are you a parent of a child with special needs? We share some of the essential conversations and resources that help you cope and succeed! <br> Taking Financial Care of Your Child with Special Needs<br> Being a parent is an incredible gift and responsibility. Even though the most important things in life are free, I think we also know there are expenses with raising kids.<br> When you have a child with special needs, those expenses can skyrocket. It can be a challenge to keep things manageable, but it’s not impossible.<br> Today we’ll get into the essentials and conversation to have so you two can get started.<br> Since this is something I’m not qualified to speak on, I’m grateful that <a href=";authToken=_lia&amp;trk=hp-feed-member-name">Michelle Gershfeld</a> is here today.<br> Michelle is a certified financial counselor and attorney. Michelle also a mother who has had to work hard to make sure her daughter’s special needs was taken care of.<br><br> So this isn’t an academic exercise, it’s something she understands well.<br> In this episode we discuss:<br> <br> * putting together a team to help make sure your child’s needs are provided for<br> * financial and legal considerations to keep in mind when planning<br> * dealing with the unique financial scenarios that come up<br> <br> Hope this helps!<br> Resources<br> If you two are looking to speak with Michelle, you can reach out <a href="">through her law firm</a>.<br> <br> * <a href="">AFCPE</a>: Special thanks to them for connecting me to Michelle. AFCPE® is the nationally recognized leader in financial counseling, coaching, and education. <br> * <a href="">Benefits For Children With Disabilities</a> – Social Security<br> * <a href="">List of Grants and Resources for Families with Special Needs</a><br> * <a href="">Financial Assistance | |Autism Speaks</a><br> <br>  <br> Jumpstart Your Marriage and Money Course<br> Want to give your marriage and bank account a boost? Pick up <a href="">Jumpstart Your Marriage and Money course</a>.<br> Jumpstart focuses on the big wins including earning more. Get LIFETIME access to a four-week course design to help you:<br> <br> * Stop fighting about money and create a budget that you BOTH LOVE<br> * Automate your money<br> * Pay off your debt faster<br><br> Plus more!<br> <br> You can <a href="">get lifetime access here!</a><br> Music Credit<br> Like the music in this episode? Our theme song is by <a href="">Gentle Regime</a>. Additional music by <a href="">Lee Rosevere</a> and Logan from <a href="">Music for Makers</a> in this episode.<br>