Squad Goals — with Brian Watkins of Rep the Squad

Loose Threads — Consumer, retail, fashion and commerce show

Summary: #65. Rep the Squad lets passionate sports fans rent any jersey they want, giving them access to an infinitely-expanding collection. We talk with co-founder and CEO Brian Watkins about how Rep the Squad is joining the rental economy in a path pioneered by Rent the Runway, democratizing the pride and notoriety that comes from sporting your favorite teams’ colors. The Loose Threads Podcast features in-depth discussions with leaders across the rapidly changing consumer economy. — Show Notes — Rep the Squad https://www.repthesquad.com/ Edited by George Drake Jr. — About Loose Threads — http://LooseThreads.com Join the newsletter: http://eepurl.com/buLQY9 Twitter: http://twitter.com/loosethreadscom Full Transcript: http://LooseThreads.com/Podcast The Loose Threads Podcast explores the intersection of consumer, retail and commerce. Hosted by Richie Siegel, the founder of Loose Threads, each episode features an in-depth conversation with one guest about their founding story and how it fits into the current state of the industry. Guests come from all different backgrounds, spanning the consumer goods, fashion, retail and technology industries. The unifying thread is always the rapid change facing the industry and how entrepreneurs are responding. You can listen to the podcast on any player of your choice, in addition to on LooseThreads.com.