Sleepless Nights — with Ariel Kaye of Parachute Home

Loose Threads — Consumer, retail, fashion and commerce show

Summary: On the 46th episode of the Loose Threads Podcast, a show about the intersection of consumer, retail and commerce, I talk with Ariel Kaye, the founder of Parachute home, a direct to consumer brand bringing a new lifestyle to the home. Ariel founded the brand after realizing that no brand owned bedding products, in addition to the home more broadly. We had a great talk about the brand’s founding story, its early growth trajectory and where it’s headed as it expands offline and into new products. I really enjoyed talking with Ariel about Parachute’s founding and the trials and tribulations of being the sole founder, yet at the same time seeing what she has been able to accomplish. — Show Notes — Parachute Home Edited by George Drake Jr. — About Loose Threads — Join the newsletter: Twitter: The Loose Threads Podcast explores the intersection of consumer, retail and commerce. Hosted by Richie Siegel, the founder of Loose Threads, each episode features an in-depth conversation with one guest about their founding story and how it fits into the current state of the industry. Guests come from all different backgrounds, spanning the consumer goods, fashion, retail and technology industries. The unifying thread is always the rapid change facing the industry and how entrepreneurs are responding. You can listen to the podcast on any player of your choice, in addition to on