Whether Tax Reform Happens or Not, Here’s What You Should Be Doing

Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew show

Summary: There's a lot of talk right now about the president's proposed tax reform measures. Whether all of these proposals, just a portion or none of them are eventually enacted, there are some things you should understand. Tax reform can be very difficult to get through Congress and even when it is enacted, it's not a permanent fixture. We saw this with Reagan's Tax Reform Act back in 1986. This means that you need to be setting up your serious money for the future in such a way that its protected from unnecessary taxes, no matter what Congress does. Check out this sneak peek of what Doug covers in this week's episode: * Most tax reforms include eliminating certain deductions. Learn why this can come back to bite you at the time you least expect it to. * How is it possible for the government to raise more tax revenue by lowering taxes than it would if it had simply raised tax rates? Doug explains why this is so. * Discover why sitting back and thinking things are grand when tax reform has occurred can lure you into a false sense of security. Doug spells out what you should be doing and why time is of the essence. * Why is the proposed lowering of the corporate tax rate such a big deal? Hint: it has everything to do with how jobs are created. * How will these proposed tax reforms impact sole proprietors and small business? * Learn why it's a mistake to believe that tax reforms are going to last and what you can do to ensure you're benefitting from tax cuts that grow the economy yet still protected from higher taxes and their negative effect on the economy. * And much, much more… Start by <a href="http://liveabundant.com/free-analysis/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">visiting with a wealth architect</a> today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.