Know and Own Your Numbers with Debt Discipline

Couple Money Podcast: Build Your Marriage and Wealth Together  show

Summary: Want to be financially independent, but have a ton of debt? Learn how Brian from Debt Discipline and his family worked to dump over $109,000 of debt and become financially free!<br> [smart_track_player url=”″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]<br> <br> Subscribe to Couple Money Podcast via <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Stitcher</a>, or copy <a href="">this link to use </a>with a podcatcher of your choice. You can also find me hanging out on <a href="">Twitter </a>and <a href="">Facebook</a>.<br> <br> 10 Days and Many Ways to Financial Independence<br> <br> Financial Independence – sounds good, right?<br> It can mean more options or maybe a sense of security, but the road to it can be bumpy.  Depending on where you’re starting it can be hard to imagine getting to that point.<br> That’s why over the next ten episodes, we’ll look at the steps to becoming financially independent.<br> We’ll be hearing from past guests and sharing some extra stories that haven’t been released on the podcast before.<br> Each couple has had to struggle with different obstacles and figure out a strategy that made sense to them, but there are a few principles that have helped.<br> One of the big and first steps is knowing and owning up to your number, but as Brian and his wife discovered a few years ago, it’s not always pretty. With their five credit cards maxed out, the couple were over $100,000 in debt!<br> Having Debt Discipline Show Notes<br> In case you’re pressed for time, here are some big highlights from the show:<br> <br> * What Was the Breaking Point for Brian and His Wife<br> * How He Got His Numbers and His Tool of Choice<br> * Where They Saved on Their Expenses<br> * Tapping into a Local Resource to Get Help with Credit Cards<br> <br> Thank You for Your Support!<br> Couple Money Podcast is made possible because of listeners like you. Every tweet, Facebook like, rating, and review gets the word out. You can also <a href="">become a patron</a> and support the show. For a $1 or more a month, you can get behind the scenes access and extra bonuses.<br> Know Your Numbers with Personal Capital<br> This podcast is brought to you by <a href="">Personal Capital</a>, a free tool to not only quickly and easily track your net worth, but also analyze your portfolio. <br> Selected Links from the Episode:<br> <br> * <a href="">Debt Discipline</a><br> * <a href="">Tracking Your Spending Quickly and Easily</a><br> <br>