Two Keys to Help Save Half Your Income with Stacking Benjamins

Couple Money Podcast: Build Your Marriage and Wealth Together  show

Summary: Want to go big with your finances? Joe and Kathleen from <a href="">Stacking Benjamin</a>s share two keys to help you save half your income this year (and beyond)!<br> [smart_track_player url=”″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ]<br> <br> Subscribe to Couple Money Podcast via <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Stitcher</a>, or copy <a href="">this link to use </a>with a podcatcher of your choice. You can also find me hanging out on <a href="">Twitter </a>and <a href="">Facebook</a>.<br> <br> Saving Half Your Income<br> <br> Even though the year is already half over, there is still plenty of time to achieve big things in 2016.<br> As we’re through the steps and different ways you can get closer to financial independence, we’ve gotten to the part where things go from incremental to big.<br> How big?<br> Like saving half your income<br> I know you might feel like you’re already cut your bills down and you’d rather find ways to make money – don’t worry we’ll get into that very soon with some of the next episodes — but today we’re going to examine how you can start saving big chunks of money.<br> The money you stash can then be used to:<br> <br> * pay off debt faster<br> * grow your savings for emergencies<br> * give your buffer to make a career or life change or,<br> * invested so you can retire sooner.<br> <br> <a href="">Joe and Kathleen from Stacking Benjamins</a> have some ideas to give you a boost with your finances.<br> Selected Links from the Episode:<br> If you’re looking to build up your savings rate, here are some recommended resources.<br> <br> * <a href="">Save 50 Course</a><br> * <a href="">Save a Ton of Money with a 50/50 Challenge!</a><br> * <a href="">Get Rich Slowly</a><br> * <a href="">The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement</a><br> <br> Saving Hacks Show Highlights:<br> <br> * Why Saving Half Isn’t Insane<br> * How Mindeset &amp; Systems Help Boost Savings<br> * Banking Hack to Save More<br> <br>  <br>  <br>