Having a Financial Reboot and Becoming Debt Free with Penny Pinchin Mom

Couple Money Podcast: Build Your Marriage and Wealth Together  show

Summary: Looking to get out of debt, but feeling frustrated with your progress so far? Learn how you two can get a financial reboot and become debt free! <br> [smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/couplemoney/Having_a_Financial_Reboot_and_Becoming_Debt_Free_with_Penny_Pinchin_Mom.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]<br> Need a Financial Reboot?<br> One of the best achievements you two can make with your marriage and money is getting out of debt.<br> Carrying that burden of debt can be extremely stressful in marriages. One analysis found that money issues account for about 22% of divorces.<br> With the new year, you may have made it a goal to dump your debt once and for all.<br> And I hope that you’re doing well with things, but if not, this episode is for you.<br> I know how frustrating it can be when you’re not making the progress you expect or want to make. You read and hear these stories of couples getting out of a ton of debt in matter of months it seems like you can’t make any headway.<br> Tracie Fobes, founder of<a href="http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/"> Penny Pinchin Mom</a>, comes on the show to offer practical and real encouragement to get rid of that debt.<br><br> In this episode we get into:<br> <br> * why you shouldn’t get swept up with what you see online<br> * how to embrace the process becoming debt free<br> * the challenges and joys of having a financial reboot<br> <br> Hope you enjoy!<br> <br> Subscribe to Couple Money Podcast via <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/couple-money-podcast-build/id924656111">iTunes</a>, <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/elle-martinez/couple-money-podcast?refid=stpr">Stitcher</a>, or copy <a href="http://couplemoneypodcast.com/feed/podcast/">this link to use </a>with a podcatcher of your choice. You can also find me hanging out on <a href="https://twitter.com/CoupleMoney">Twitter </a>and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/couplemoney">Facebook!</a><br> <br> Resources on Fixing Your Finances<br> Want to learn more? Here are some resources to check out: <br> <br> * <a href="http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/financial-reboot-coming-soon/">The Financial Reboot Info</a><br> * <a href="http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/give-your-finances-a-fresh-start-in-the-new-year/">50 Ways to Give Your Finances A Fresh Start</a><br> * <a href="http://www.pennypinchinmom.com/build-an-emergency-fund/">Strategies and Ideas To Quickly Boost Your Emergency Fund</a><br> <br> Thank You to Our Partners<br> Support for this podcast comes from partners like Personal Capital. Easy to set up &amp; easy to use. You can have all your investments, income, and expenses all pulled into one place.<br> Did I mention it’s free? Why don’t you<a href="http://couplemoneypodcast.com/pc"> give Personal Capital a try today</a>?<br> Support for this podcast also comes from <a href="http://couplemoneypodcast.com/divvy">Divvy Investments</a>. If you’re looking for an easy way to help keep your portfolio on target for retirement without having to link your accounts to yet another service, <a href="http://couplemoneypodcast.com/divvy">check out Divvy</a>.<br> Listeners can get a 10% discount; use the coupon code, “Couplemoney”.<br> Music Credit<br> Like the music in this episode? Our theme song is by <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/gentleregime">Gentle Regime</a>. I also want to thank <a href="http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Music_For_Podcasts/">Lee Rosevere</a> for music in this episode.<br> <br>