Getting Control Over Your Spending

Couple Money Podcast: Build Your Marriage and Wealth Together  show

Summary: Trying to reboot your finances and get some control over your spending? Here’s one simple and effective psychological hack that can help you save a ton of money this year! <br> [smart_track_player url=”″ ]<br> Sticking to Your Budget<br> Since July is here, I think now’s a good time to do a financial check-up. Hopefully, things are looking good on your end, but if not, it’s okay.<br> Why?<br> Cause July is Financial Reboot Month.<br> (If there can be a National Doughnut Day, I can create this!)<br> With 31 beautiful days, July is a wonderful opportunity to save some serious money.<br> Whether you have a formal budget/spending plan, there is one psychology hack that can help you save some cash.<br> So if you aren’t already subscribed, go ahead and download the episode to see how you two can reboot your finances and save a ton of money for the rest of the year!<br>  <br> Resources to Gain Control Over Your Spending<br> If you two are serious about saving a ton of money quickly, here are some of the best resources to check out:<br> <br> * <a href="">Zero Spending Challenge</a><br> * <a href="">Uber Frugal Month</a><br> <br> Thank You to Our Partners<br> Support for this podcast comes from partners like Personal Capital. Easy to set up &amp; easy to use. You can have all your investments, income, and expenses all pulled into one place.<br> Did I mention it’s free? Why don’t you<a href=""> give Personal Capital a try today</a>?<br> Music Credit<br> Like the music in this episode? Our theme song is by <a href="">Gentle Regime</a>. Additional music by <a href="">Lee Rosevere</a>  and Logan from <a href="">Music for Makers</a> in this episode.<br>