Deadwood 2x03 "New Money"

HoopleCast: An IntroCast For HBO's Deadwood show

Summary: Episode Fifteen. Lift your legs and open them for adventure! Will avoids our murder list by returning to discuss this very nautical themed episode. Al makes friends with a lithotome... (Please take your hand off my shoulder.) The mysterious Mister W makes a meal of E.B.... (Remove your hand from my forearm.) A pissed-off Alma directs her ire towards Sofia's tutor... (Do not touch me again.) But will the camp rise up against the ne'er-do-well Jumbo and make him pay for his slothful ways? ... Also, John tells us about the tragic demise of Miss Kitty LeRoy in the opening chapter of a Readers Theatre two-parter. (Do not look at my face.) | Send feedback to Find our recording schedule, show notes, discussion threads, and more at | Recorded August 30, 2015. Released September 4, 2015. [Warning: Explicit Language.]