Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Spitiual Healing with Ronna Prince

Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed show

Summary: Susun Weed shares her herbal medicine secrets - learn how to use herbs simply and safely. Empower yourself with easy herbal remedies. This episode features a 30 minute fascinating and informative interview with Ronna Prince intuitive councilor, film producer, and creator of Modern Mastery, her trademark step by step personal growth process. Susun and Rona reveal their journey of spiritual healing.... Q&A with Susun Weed - this episode includes: herbal pet care - garlic to get rid of fleas? not another bladder infection - tips on how to avoid and how to cure if you get one... is it eczema or herpes? plantain is your ally... anti-inflammatory helper linden flower infusion, comfrey leaf infusion for skin...  slippery elm may cure your digestive distress, may ease symptoms of crohn's disease eat yogurt if you want to re-establish gut flora!! renew your love to promote conception...fall in love all over again and conceive with intention drying your herbs - never expose to sunlight! fact: your clitoris does not age.. and more....listen in to get all the details..