Movie Stream Cast Ep. 001: Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)

Movie Stream Cast show

Summary: Today Jason and Jeff review Colin Trevorrow's Safety Not Guaranteed starring Aubrey Plaza, Mark Duplass and Jake Johnson. Fast Facts: Director Colin Trevorrow will direct Jurassic Park IV Due to a cut backstory, a young black man had to be digitally removed from the scene with Darius's father. The part of Darius was written for Aubrey Plaza specifically. The film is adapted from a fake ad printed in Backwoods Home Magazine, the writer of that ad, John Silveira has a cameo in the film and is billed as "Time Travel Consultant." Next Week's Film: Red Lights We hope you enjoyed our podcast. If you did, please check back next week and don't forget to follow us on twitter @MovieStreamCast and subscribe in iTunes. Also you can reach us by email at [amazon asin=B008OHV49W&template=iframe image&chan=default]