Jen Rudolph
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Ready to join the 2% who get called in and booked?

Create highly effective marketing and media that gives agents, managers and casting directors the clarity, certainty and confidence they need so that your auditions and bookings grow like wildfire.

The missing piece to why you’re not yet part of the 2% who get called in and book

You’re not in a “saturated market. “

You just haven’t given the industry the clarity, certainty and confidence they need to hire YOU.


It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent $386,000 to get a 4 year degree from a top BFA program.

How many scene study classes you continue to take.

How many industry members you have paid to meet or receive feedback from.

If your current marketing isn’t generating the meetings, auditions and bookings you want…


The only way to “fly off the shelves” with agents, managers and casting directors is to quickly and efficiently communicate the “value” of what you’re offering.

Whether it’s via your agent and/or manager submitting you for a project, self-submitting via Actors Access, a CD workshop or what not...

…to turn clicks into auditions and then into bookings you need strategic marketing and media that creates the necessary clarity, certainty and confidence in your buyers that compels them to hire you regardless of whether or not you have representation or major credits.


Nothing works without the right marketing.

But when you dial in on your messaging and infuse it with psychology-based principles…

…all of a sudden you begin to get responses to emails, auditions start flowing in and major bookings begin to happen like magic.



• You have representation but rarely audition and book. You are unclear as to how to increase your auditions and bookings and are afraid that your rep may eventually stop paying attention to you or drop you.

• You are stuck in Co-Star land and can’t figure out how to get auditions for Guest Stars and above.

• You spend a lot of time meeting casting directors at workshops, checking in with them, self submitting for projects but aren’t seeing much materialize as a result of these efforts.

• When the industry clicks on your links, they stop there and you don’t hear from them.

• You spend too much time targeting the wrong agents, managers and casting directors and can’t figure out how to attract the RIGHT ones with your marketing.

• You don’t have any major credits as of yet and you worry that no one will take a chance on you and you don’t know how to create the necessary clarity, certainty and confidence that your buyers need to be a HELL YES.

• A small percentage of the industry you are targeting respond with “thank you so much! keep me posted!” or “we aren’t taking on new clients at this time” but you have friends and colleagues who have gotten different, engaged responses.

• You don’t know how to create the right marketing and messaging that will end your frustration.


it takes most actors several years and several thousands of $$$ spent to finally admit that they have a marketing problem.

But when you dial in on your messaging and implement proven psychology-based business strategies, that’s when you become part of the 2%.

• You will become one of your rep’s favorite clients who they will often phone / email push with casting directors.

• You will experience a big uptick in auditions and bookings.

• You will receive enthusiastic emails back from the casting directors who you meet at workshops, cold pitch and/or who you audition for.

• You will often get 80% or above open rates on your emails to agents, managers and casting directors and will experience traction as a result of your efforts.

• If you are someone who does not yet have major credits as of yet, you will create the necessary clarity, certainty and confidence that your buyers need to be a HELL YES to call you in and book you.

• If you are looking for representation and perhaps don’t yet have major credits, an agent and/or manager will be excited to sign you.

• You will no longer waste your precious time and energy on traditional business strategies that keep you going around in circles and not getting booked.


Ready to become part of the 2%?

introducing the 2% collective

Inside The 2% Collective, you will discover what makes you “fly off the shelves” and from there create highly effective marketing and media that gives agents, managers and casting directors the clarity, certainty and confidence they need so that your auditions and bookings grow like wildfire.

I will give you proven psychology-based business strategies and frameworks that will help you become part of the 2% who get called in and book.